construction_sml  customerrelation

Managing customer relationships and previous tenders are often overlooked in the construction industry. However, having good marketing data is vital in developing successful sales and marketing strategies.

An important part of customer management is claims and retentions. It is difficult to keep track of this information on most accounting packages. But Whimbrel has included this financial feature in our Customer Relationship Management software solutions.

Whimbrel has developed a Customer Relationship Management solution with a specialised financial module specifically for the construction industry. Whimbrel’s Customer Relationship Management software typically includes the following:

  • Keeps information of all customers, companies and contacts
  • Separates customers by customised categories
  • Records all tenders won or lost
  • Includes all claims and invoiced values
  • Has reminders of when retention amounts are due
  • Manages project income flows and deadlines
  • Reports on yearly contract values by customer
  • Builds customised Customer Relationship Management reports
  • Builds customised financial reports
  • Shares data amongst all personnel

Importance of keeping contacts well informed
Having client contact details, a history of previous tenders and contracts can assist construction companies keep control of their customer base. This ensures that the correct companies are targeted in future marketing and sales campaigns.

Benefits of custom construction Customer Relationship Management solutions and software integration
Construction companies are very diverse in nature. For Customer Relationship Management systems to be efficient they should be custom designed around the existing processes and cultures within the organisation. Integrating the Customer Relationship Management solution with the company’s existing software systems and accounts’ packages is important as this reduces duplicate entries and improves communication across the company.

Tchara specialises in delivering customer relationship management software solutions that are custom designed to a company’s specific requirements.